
  • How does vegetable greenhouse greenhouse tomato late blight control

    How does vegetable greenhouse greenhouse tomato late blight control

    Tomato late blight is one of the important diseases on tomato production vegetable greenhouses tomato late blight fungus mainly mycelium wintering in the sick body, pathogen infection in suitable environment conditions, and the disease spot produce sporangium, spread by wind and rain, in case of...
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  • Intelligent greenhouse greenhouse system composition

    Intelligent greenhouse greenhouse system composition

    The use of intelligent greenhouse can achieve the purpose of increasing production, improving quality, regulating the growth cycle, and improving economic benefits, mainly thanks to these systems of intelligent greenhouse (1) intelligent greenhouse greenhouse information acquisition module Reali...
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  • How to repair vegetable greenhouse greenhouse film?

    How to repair vegetable greenhouse greenhouse film?

    In the process of using vegetable greenhouse greenhouses, once the film is broken, the consequences are very serious. Once the film is broken in the management process of vegetable greenhouses, the farmers should repair it in time. 1. Fill with water, scrub the damaged area clean, cut a piece of...
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  • What is the engineering ventilation system of greenhouse?What’s the difference?

    What is the engineering ventilation system of greenhouse?What’s the difference?

    Greenhouse ventilation system and window opening system: Greenhouse ventilation system is the process of indoor and outdoor gas flow exchange in greenhouse engineering. The main purpose is to adjust and control the air humidity, CO2 concentration, indoor temperature and harmful gases in the green...
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  • bibit rumah kaca sayur taat kana "tilu tinggi tilu low".

    bibit rumah kaca sayur taat kana "tilu tinggi tilu low".

    Anjeun bisa boga masalah nalika tumuwuh bibit on seedling ranjang. Di dieu aya sababaraha tips pikeun rujukan anjeun. Prinsip dasar kontrol suhu nyaéta "tilu tinggi na tilu low", maksudna "tinggi di daytime jeung low peuting; andika poé anu tinggi, poé mendung nu low; Sateuacan seedling TR ...
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  • Kumaha carana ningkatkeun ngahasilkeun nalika cherries tumuwuh di rumah kaca komérsial?

    Kumaha carana ningkatkeun ngahasilkeun nalika cherries tumuwuh di rumah kaca komérsial?

    Di handap, anjeun bakal manggihan cara ningkatkeun ngahasilkeun nalika cherries tumuwuh di rumah kaca komérsial? 1, bantu pembuahan: guna pollinate ngalaman fértilisasi, ningkatkeun laju buah céri, Hanyang rumah kaca dianjurkeun dina 7 dinten sateuacan ngembang unggal mu nempatkeun palebah 1 ka 2 buleud ...
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  • Tutuwuhan cageur, Usaha cageur

    Tutuwuhan cageur, Usaha cageur

    Tutuwuhan cageur, Usaha séhat bakal lumangsung dina Salasa 29 Januari 2019 di Hortikultura House di Oxfordshire sarta aimed di growers na konsumén maranéhanana (retailers, landscapers na désainer taman, arsiték sarta ngayakeun umum) jeung stakeholder konci. Speaker ngawengku: Gusti Gardiner, Parl ...
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  • Qingzhou Hanyang Tangkuban Parahu Project Co., Ltd

    Qingzhou Hanyang Tangkuban Parahu Project Co., Ltd

    Qingzhou Hanyang Tangkuban Parahu Project Co., Ltd tumuwuh tina Qingzhou Xianke Mechanical Alat Co., Ltd guna minuhan kaperluan ngembangkeun produk. Qingzhou Xianke Alat Mechanical Co., Ltd didirikan dina 2010, sarta eta geus devoted kana desain panalungtikan, jeung manufaktur of greenh ...
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